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Things to do in our beautiful area

Our Shepherds huts are a perfectly peaceful, cozy spot to start exploring the wonderful area around us. Take time out to enjoy the Mount Kenya region, below are some activities and places you can visit.


Mount Kenya

Straddling the equator and rising to rugged snowy peaks at 5,199m Mount Kenya is the 2nd highest mountain in Africa. Mount Kenya was inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 1997. The World Heritage Site Commission recognizes it as “one of the most impressive landscapes of Eastern Africa, with its rugged glacier clad summits, Afro-Alpine Moorlands and diverse forests, which illustrate outstanding ecological processes”. As gazetted National Park and National Reserve the protected area makes up 2,100 km2. To the people of Mount Kenya it holds immense cultural value.


Beneath the National Park’s peaks and moorlands, the forest zone and National Reserve covers 212,000 hectares and is now the largest remaining contiguous forest in Kenya. Its ecosystems play a critical role in water catchment for two main rivers in in the country, the Tana and the Ewaso Ngiro. The Tana River supplies over 50% of Kenya’s power to the National Grid. Mount Kenya is recognized for its rich biodiversity boasting a diverse range of flora including the Afro-alpine moorlands, giant heath, extensive stands of East African bamboo and major forest types including mixed closed canopy forest. These habitats host a multitude of wildlife species including mammals of international conservation interest including elephants, leopard, giant forest hog, and mountain bongo. Bird species are also abundant and play an important part in the ecology of various habitats.


Access is through Naromoro headquarters or Chogoria route. This is a national park so be prepared to pay Park fees. the park can be reached on Nanyuki-Isiolo road via Sirimon Track or Nyeri-Nanyuki road near Naro Moru.


Visit for more info


Please visit Mount Kenya Trust’s website to learn about all the great conservation work going on in the area or how you can get involved.


African Ascents - Hiking, Abseiling, Fishing, Picnics on the mountain

0711735100, 0708109621 


African Ascents is based right here in Nanyuki and offer a wide range of adventure activities such as mountaineering, hikes around Mt Kenya, Ngare Ndare forest, Loldaiga Hills, Paragliding, abseiling, fly fishing and picnics on the mountain. They have a very professional team and you will be in the very best of hands with this company who offer anything from day trips to full safaris.


Ngare  Ndare Forest (approx. 40 km away)

Ngare Ndare Forest is a lush indigenous forest at the foothills of Mt. Kenya. Azure pools glisten at the bottom of waterfalls and 200 year old trees stretch into the canopy supporting a rich variety of bird and animal life. The forest is a vital corridor that links the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy to Mount Kenya, and one which elephants have been using for centuries. In the 1980’s farmland became more developed on the southern side of the forest, and farmers came into regular clashes with elephants. In an attempt to alleviate fatal human/ wildlife conflict, the forest was fenced off from southern farmland in 1992. Yet the Ngare Ndare Forest Trust wasn’t registered until 2004, and a concession management agreement was finalized with the Kenya Forest Service only as recently as 2009. The Ngare Ndare forest has some minor grade rock climbing sites and abseiling walls for the experienced adventurer. There are a series of waterfalls and pools down one of the river systems that flows with crystal clear water. The beauty of these natural sites are a wonder to see and enjoy. Ngare Ndare forest hosts a huge number of bird species. They have trained and experienced guides who help visitors to spot and identify various birds within the forest. The canopy walkway is a 40 ft. high aerial bridge of wire mesh and cables meandering through the tree canopy and extending 450 meters long. The walkway ends at a wooden platform 30ft. high, where you can relax and enjoy a view of the river from this elevated vantage point. Elephants and buffaloes frequently come here to drink and wallow, and one can enjoy a drink or a meal at the lofty leafy deck. 
Ngare Ndare Forest Trust Box 1704 Meru 60200 Tel. 0722 886 456, 0700 412 532


Ol Pejeta Conservancy - 30 minutes away - Day trip
Ol pejeta conservancy is not far down the road and offers many day activities as well as having a wide variety of wildlife on offer. They have a restaurant one can visit and a tour around the Chimpanzee sanctuary or simply game drive around this beautiful conservancy.


Hiking and Mountain Biking with Rift Valley Adventures

You are hiking through pristine forests, mountain biking across the African plains or abseiling off waterfalls, RVA has something to fulfill your need for speed, experience and wilderness.
+254 (0) 707 734 776


Mt Kenya Climbing Gym

Mt Kenya Climbing Gym Is a great place to try climbing for the first time, get some exercise, improve technique or just have some fun. The gym is located between One Stop and Nanyuki town on the left hand side of the road. The climbing tower is visible from the main road at a location called 'toll road. The gym has many routes set up for beginners as well as more experienced climbers. The cost is 400 shillings for adults and this includes the cost of a harness and climbing shoes. Contact is 0795 536 104.



Mount Kenya Animal Orphanage (20 minutes away) 
The Animal Orphanage at the Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy
An opportunity to see some endangered animals including the rare mountain Bongo which has been brought back to the orphanage from zoos in the US with the intention or reintroducing it to the mountain.


Rutundu Log Cabins - 1 Night excursion minimum, 4x4 vehicle requires

+254 (0)727 232445 / +254 (0)731 325797 

These simple but welcoming cabins, located on the edge of Lake Rutundu, are the perfect place to escape from the fast pace of modern life, unwind and experience nature at close range. Enjoy walking in the incredibly fresh mountain air or try your hand at trout fishing on Lake Rutundu or Lake Alice. Bring your catch back to cook and enjoy from the veranda of the main cabin, with incredible views across the magical high altitude heathland.
Rutundu is perfect for fishermen, walkers, families, adventurers and those simple wanting to experience the tranquility of the mountain. Rutundu is also undeniably romantic for those on honeymoon. Our accommodation at One Stop is the perfect before or after stay on route to this well kept secret.



The Aberdares - Day Excursion

The Aberdares are the third highest range of mountains in Kenya, reaching a summit of just over 4000m. This massive range is well known for its thick salient forests, and their prolific game. These high altitude forests are broken by moorlands and plains, and through the abundant tree cover there are sensational views of the Rift Valley and the peak of Mt Kenya. The forest is a hidden world of wildlife. The thick vegetation provides perfect cover for countless species.


The Aberdares can be explored by vehicle, or on foot. There are trekking trails throughout the forests, and across the moorlands. The foothills of the Aberdares are ideal for exploring by 4x4 and there are crystal clear mountain streams that abound with Trout. There are a series of spectacular falls along the range.


Main road access to the Aberdares is via Mweiga or Nyeri to the Treetops gate (40 mins to here). There are good roads within the park, though 4WD is needed during rain. There are hiking trails through the Aberdares. A ranger guide is compulsory.


Mount Kenya by Helicopter

Dawn flight around the peaks, touching down at Lake Michaelson, to take in the incredible views and unique mountain flora. Iconic in shape and size, Mount Kenya is situated in the heart of Kenya, on the equator - its highest peak ‘Batian’ stands at 5,199 meters. The vast and desolate nature of Mount Kenya with its towering summit, sheer cliffs and glaciers become apparent as we circulate above the peaks of Batian and Nelion. A dawn heli-excursion around the peaks of Mount Kenya, with the option to land besides one of the alpine lakes for refreshments and to take in the fresh mountain air, the unique vegetation and spectacular scenery; and for anyone keen, a chance to fly fish for Rainbow trout. The length of time spent on the ground depends on the weather conditions - cloud often descends by 11am. Due to weather conditions, this excursion is done only in the early morning with pick up approx 7:00am, to be on the mountain and around the peaks by 8:00 am. The months of July and August can be difficult with cloud cover.


PLEASE NOTE THAT IF CLIENTS WISH TO LAND ON MOUNT KENYA, WE ONLY ALLOW 4 PAX. Should it only be a scenic flight around the peaks, then we can accept 5 pax. This is a strict policy due to safety with landing on the mountain at altitude.


+254 (0) 728 608594 


Guides & Car Hire

Please contact our office for a list of guides and car hire companies in the Nanyuki area.


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